We are here to assist local, small business owners.
Reaching local customers has never been more important than in today's competitive market. Support Your Community... Shop Local, Small Business FIRST!
What started in 2013 as a local initiative focused on marketing local, small independently-owned businesses has turned into a whole other division of our parent company, Hanna Sign Company, LLC. Whereas our sign division, Shae Signs, focuses on 'Signs Handcrafted Art Etc.' for ALL types of business, Our Community Co-op Marketing focuses on local small independently-owned businesses, non-profits, and fundraising for our schools. On occasion we will include non-competing corporations interested in helping our small businesses succeed.
Our main focus will ALWAYS be to assist our small businesses, non-profits, and schools in their success. We currently focus on an annual small business directory and seasonal athletic posters with wallet schedules for our local high school athletic department fundraisers. Our goal is to grow locally and assist with other fundraisers for the high schools as well as our other schools.
In the meantime, we are working on new marketing tools and complete marketing campaigns.
We currently focus on Front Royal and Warren County, Virginia and are always looking to expand into surrounding counties.
Who We Are
A local marketing company, here to assist local small business owners.
Lisa Parker has over 20 years experience in sales and marketing. Locally she has helped over 100 different businesses with their advertising and marketing. Most of whom she has long lasting relationships with from her days of working at The River 95.3 WZRV and WFTR1450 radio from 1999-2007. She is always just a phone call away... 540/683-0630.
What We Do
We support local, small businesses.
Grow Your Business Locally! We create marketing tools to advertise your small business locally and in the most cost-effective manner. We also help our local high schools with their fundraisers, including seasonal athletic posters and wallet schedules. Samples of our work are coming soon!
The Front Royal / Warren County Small Business Directory is here!
(click the image to view)
Our Location:
(Inside Hanna Signs)
20 Water Street
Front Royal, VA 22630
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Contact Lisa:
[email protected]